Baker Elementary School

Baker Elementary School is the second elementary school in the Mathews Local School District on Sheridan Drive in Vienna, built in the mid 1960s.  The other elementary school is Currie Elementary, located in Fowler, also built in the mid 1960s.

The cost to build Baker Elementary school was $333,305.75.  The area of the building was 29,682 square feet, equating to a cost per square foot of $11.22. This price included mechanical and kitchen equipment, built-in cabinets, well sewage treatment, sidewalks, and parking.

Baker Elementary School is named in memory of Beryl Baker, a native of the Vienna community, who was an educator for many years in the district. Currie Elementary School was named to honor former music teacher, Daisy Orr Currie (FG).

Baker School and Currie School opened during the 1967-1968 school year for student enrollment. Vienna Township elementary school students attended Baker School and Fowler Township elementary school students attended Currie School. Middle school students from both townships attended Neal Junior High School.

Several graduates from the Mathews High School Class of 1977 recall spending the 1967-1968 school year (3rd grade) at the new elementary school buildings:

Teresa (Hagood) Liller recalls living in Vienna during the 1967-1968 school year. She attended Baker School starting in 3rd grade and continued attending there through 5th grade. She also recalls that in 1st grade she attended school at the Mathews High School building and for 2nd grade she reported for school at the Youngstown Air Reserve Station (YARS).

Rosemary (Thumm) Morris recalls attending Currie School for first time starting in 3rd grade and that "there was no grass to play on, we had to play in the parking lot which was rocks at the time." 

Terry Wajda recalled spending 2nd grade at the Hendricks barracks at the YARS with students from Fowler Township. The following school year he noticed that none of the Fowler students were at Baker School ... because they were at Currie School!

An open house for Baker Elementary School was held on Sunday, October 8, 1967. An excerpt from the open house program reads:

To the Citizens of the Community:

It is a distinct pleasure to present to you these two new elementary school buildings. The hopes and efforts of many dedicated people are reflected in these beautiful structures. The new inspirational atmosphere certainly is an educational advantage toward children. The additional space will serve us well, yet the buildings are designed so as to allow for additional rooms with anticipated enrollment increases. Not having participated in the planning, but having the privilege of working toward the completion of our building program, I wish to acknowledge the appreciation to my predecessor, W. M. Hammack, past and present local board members, and many others who have unselfishly given of their time and efforts in initiating such an ambitious program. A special note of thanks goes to the taxpayers of the school district who made this possible; to architect Robert Buchanan and his associates, and the contractors who, through their combine efforts and dedication, made these facilities a reality at economical costs.

Andrew Cvercko
Local Superintendent

Baker Elementary School in 2020.
Baker Elementary School Playground in 2020.
Baker Elementary School Playground in 2020.

The 1982-1983 school year was the first time that all Vienna and Fowler Township children attended Currie School together in kindergarten through 2nd grade. All Vienna and Fowler Township students in 3rd through 5th grades attended Baker School together.

As of 2020, Baker Elementary School had 15 classrooms and a multipurpose room that serves as a gym and cafeteria.

Other structures on the Baker Elementary School property include:

Updated 5/14/2024
Source: Fowler-Vienna School District, Baker and Currie Elementary School Open House Program, October 8, 1967.

Images courtesy of Christine Novicky.