Vienna Township Volunteer Fire Department

The Vienna Township Volunteer Fire Department, organized in April 1940, was the second such department (after Champion Township) in Trumbull County.

Organizing the Department

The charter members of the Department were:

Clarence Boyd, Captain
Lewis Catchpole, Vice President
Paul Creed
Arthur Cutler
E. D. Hanley, Secretary-Treasurer
Aubrey Hayes, Assistant Captain
Norman Hayes
Harry Huffman, Lieutenant
Ray Landis
Donald Meek
Charles "Sam" Scott, Chief
Harry Scott, Assistant Chief
Paul C. Shoff
Paul Smith, Lieutenant
Harold Viets, President
Ralph Wilson

Vienna firemen pose in front of the station.Photo from the Vienna Historical Society's collection.Donated by the Vienna Volunteer Fire Department Association.

The Department first met in Vienna Township Hall. In 1941 a 24' x 26' addition was constructed to the east side of the Hall to accommodate the men and a fire truck.

Vienna firemen march in a parade in front of the high school.Photo from the Vienna Historical Society's collection.Donated by the Vienna Volunteer Fire Department Association.

In November 1953 land was purchased for $2,300 from Arnold and Blanche Burkett for a new fire station across from Township Hall. This new building was dedicated in September 1956. Construction costs totaled $46,457.

Vienna Volunteer Fire Department, 2020.

Equipping the Department

Acquiring a firefighting fleet of vehicles and equipment came soon after the Department's organization. In May 1940, a half-ton Chevrolet chassis was purchased from Viets Motor Company for $670. This first fire engine, added to the purchases of one pump, tank, hoses, and miscellaneous items totaled $1,987.

In May 1949, a second truck was purchased and outfitted at a cost of $2,666,95.

In 1955, the Department purchased a used 1948 Jeep and refitted it to battle grass fires.

The Veterans of Foreign Wars, Vienna Airport Post 1742 donated a 1941 Oldsmobile ambulance.

A used tanker truck from the Hartford Fire Department was added in September 1959.

In May 1964 the Department purchased a Ford station wagon for emergencies.A John Beam Pumper, costing $21,300.46, was also purchased in 1964.

A new Jeep was purchased in May 1967.

A Ford rescue squad vehicle was acquired in 1977.

In 1985, a 1970 pickup truck was acquired from Howland.

In 1990, a Pierce Pumper Tanker and a Ford Squad Car were acquired.

A J. B. Rescue vehicle was acquired in 1996.

Remodeling of the building began in the summer of 2013, which included an addition to the back of the station for crew quarters, a women’s restroom and another office. [1]

A new red roof was added in the summer of 2020.

A training center was opened at the station in September of 2022 for firefighters, paramedics, and the general public. Training in CPR, first aid, and AED usage were offered but not limited to teachers, coaches, daycare providers, scouting groups, and church groups. Health care providers could receive required training or certification renewal in basic life support, advanced cardiac life support and pediatric advanced life support. The center was also approved as a continuing education training facility by the state of Ohio EMD for courses designed for EMTs, advanced EMTs, and paramedics to maintain national and state certification.[2]

1956 Fire Station Dedication plaque at the Vienna Volunteer Fire Department

Ladies' Auxiliary

On January 12, 1956, a Ladies' Auxiliary was formed. The charter members were: Thelma Norton, Carolyn Wagner, Della Hayes, Florence Furrie, Daisy Smith, Vera Lay, Lillian Shoff, Mildred Tidd, Anita Lutz, Beverly Roger, Elizabeth Powell, Mary Groft, Helen Clower, Evelyn Scott, Lola Miller, Betty Joseph, Gladys Durig, Anita Jones, Janet Everett, and Carol Heston.

Vienna Township firemen gear, 2011.

Fire Chiefs
Charles "Sam" Scott (1940-1946)
Paul Smith (1946-1970)
Harry V. Graft (1970-1978)
Paul C. Shoff (1978-1990)
Lyle Huffman (1990-1995)
Richard Brannon (1995 - 2024)

The trustees held a Safety Services Open House on October 3, 2015 to show off the newly renovated police station and fire department, along with a new fire truck.

Image courtesy of Christine Novicky.

Annual Events

The fire department hosts an annual Easter Egg Hunt at the station the springtime. The Easter Egg hunt was cancelled in 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic but resumed in 2021.

The Vienna Township Easter Egg Hunt in 2019.Image courtesy of Tyler Stanton.

Each December, the department hosts a visit with Santa Claus. The 2020 Christmastime visit with Santa, in its 15th year, was held as a drive thru event.  

Santa arrives a the Vienna Fire Station, December 2015.Image courtesy of Christine Novicky.

The annual Vienna Chili Cook-Off is also held at the station.

On the tenth anniversary of the September 11, 2001 attacks on the United States, the Vienna Township Fire Department dedicated a memorial to fallen firefighters and first responders. The memorial contains two steel beams from New York City's World Trade Center. Since 2011, the department holds an annual observance  to remember the events that occurred on September 11, 2001. To learn more about the 9/11 Memorial in Vienna Township, click here.

Loyal To Our Duty Flags

These red Loyal To Our Duty firemen flags are placed at the graves of Honorary Members of the Vienna Volunteer Fire Department right before each Memorial Day.

In May 2020 there were approximately 17 flags placed at graves in the Vienna Township Cemetery, 4 flags were placed in Crown Hill, 1 in Pineview (Warren), and 1 in Girard Liberty Union Cemetery.  The flags were placed by members of the fire department under the direction of Chief Richard Brannon.

Updated 9/26/2024
This article is adapted from Warren and Helen Clower, "Vienna Fire Department," in Vienna, Ohio, "Where We Live and Let Live": Town 4, Range 2 of the Connecticut Western Reserve (Apollo, PA: Closson Press, 1999), pp. 190-193.
[1] "Vienna makes renovation plans for fire, police stations." Tribune Chronicle, August 13, 2013, online edition.
[2] Coupland, Bob, "Training center opens in Vienna." Tribune Chronicle, September 12, 2022, online edition.
Loyal To Our Duty flag section contributed by Richard Brannon, chief.
Photos courtesy of Christine Novicky.